Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Self As Informant

Well, we all know how many books I brought to class the night we discussed this and in the writing this, I'm having a hard time deciding which to blog about (there's a shock!!!!). So I'm going to talk more about the context in which I encountered my fav books. Reading was a family activity and I therefore tortured every adult in the house with multiple readings of my top 3 (or so)!
My grandparents, bless their hearts, suffered through "Surprise Surprise" and my mother endured "Cat in the Hat" "Green Eggs and Ham" (some elephant book that I can't find) and of course, "Where the Sidewalk Ends". Its seems I had a thing for rhymes! What I remember most about reading with them is the quiet time that was set aside just for me. In the winter my mom and I would cuddle up on the couch under homemade throws with hot chocolate. That's one of my favorite things to do now.

I feel like most of the books that have changed my life have been read as an adult (except for that lil' plagiarism incident). Maybe I missed a few lessons along the way. I remember really enjoying books like "Superfudge", which was the first chapter book I read totally on my own, and "Are You There God Its Me, Margaret".

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