Monday, May 28, 2007

Rabbit Proof Fence

Rabbit Proof Fence was very unsettling to me. Unsettling to me because as an institution it (at least we didn't see it in the movie) went unchallenged for so long. One of the questions I had focused on the male children. What happened to the half cast boys? We didn't see them at the camp sight and we didn't see them to often around the tribe.
We talked during class about knowledge being both powerful and destructive. Then we spoke about who education was available to. As a country, I feel we make education available to those who have an address and English as a first language; a good education is only accessible to those who can afford it. The United States government doles it out that way because if good, substantial education was standard and available to all, then we would truly be equal. Although we claim to all be equal and even wrote in the constitution it seems equality of opportunity is anti capitalism. How many institutions would suffer or be destroyed if everyone had a good education? I know the very profitable prison industry would definitely take a loss.
I really appreciated the strength, determination and sixth sense that the all the women showed. It is the perfect antithesis to the women being shown as a fragile, dependent soul that we often see in the media. It made me think of a 20/20 episode I saw years ago that focused on the amount of attention boys and girls received in the classroom; particularly that boys received more attention than their female counterparts. Naturally, I started thinking about the dynamics of my own classroom. Immediately I noticed that my "cry-babies" are all boys. So that means I spend a significant amount of time redirecting their behavior. A good number of girls in my classroom are more self-sufficient than the boys which I guess means I again pay more attention to the boys who need my help. But I do spend a good deal of time praising the girls efforts or accomplishments. All this being said, I wonder if in my case more attention is given to the male students than female, and if so is it because I feel the female students are stronger and more capable than the males?

1 comment:

Tamera G said...

Your post really got me thinking. I am sitting here like WOW and wondering what did become of the boys?? Your statements were timely and truly thought provoking. I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks